Splitboard Experience

Splitboard experience

This page is born from an intrinsic will of sharing the passion for being in the mountains and eperiencing their beauty and wilderness.

On a split board you get the best of both worlds, the commodity of skinning up and traversing on skis and the joy of riding a board down the hills.

It allows you to the reach places faster safer and with less effort compared to snowshoes, nevertheless the first approach can be complex especially if you haven’t used touring gear before.

With more and more options on the market , choosing the right set up can be tricky as well.

Introduction Experience

Gear: How to chose the best gear for your needs.
Basics: Assembling board bindings and skins. Maintenance
Technique: Skinning up, traversing and kick turn techniques.
Packing: How to choose and pack your essentials for each tour.

Duration: 3 Hours

Price: 150 chf

Please contact me for any further informations.

Rider: Vasco Coutinho – Photographer: Juan Aizpuru